May 3, 2010

Short Term Experts at GTZ

Location: Pakistan, different locations
Last Date: June 5, 2010

Short Term Experts

Country of assignement and location

Pakistan, different locations

Project / Field of activity

GTZ International Service together with its partners of the European Union Network of Implementing Development Agencies (EUNIDA) is implementing the EU-funded “Civilian Capacity Building for Law Enforcement” (CCBLE) Programme in Pakistan. Its main objective is to assist the EU in providing support to Pakistani authorities to improve the capacity of the civilian law enforcement agencies and the judicial system. The programme came to start by 1st March 2010 in 5 components:

1. Improving the capacity of the National Counter-Terrorism Authority (NACTA);
2. Improving the capacity of the provincial police forces in NWFP and Punjab to handle counter terrorism investigations;
3. Improving the ability of law enforcement agencies to handle media relations;
4. Supporting more effective interaction between the prosecution service and the police in Punjab by assisting in the improvement of investigation standards, while fully respecting the independence and impartiality of the prosecutors' service;
5. Improving the understanding of governance issues in the tribal areas close to the Afghan border.

The Programme will take place mainly in Islamabad and the Punjab Province.

For all these components, the Programme is constantly looking for Short Term Experts to support the work of the Programme Team.


Appropriate expertise is utilised to support and implement a range of activities such as organisation and facilitation of workshops / seminars, imparting training on different subjects related to criminal investigations, organizational development, human resource development, strategic planning, analysis of information etc.

Qualifications and skills

• BA (or equivalent) in relevant disciplines like management, human resource management, organisational development, police related matters or other related disciplines: additional qualification in law will be an advantage
• Masters or higher degrees are an advantage
• Leadership and facilitation skills required
• Advanced communication skills to constructively interact with stakeholders at all levels
• Excellent English language skills including drafting abilities required
• Energy, drive and demonstrated commitment to mission / programme goals
• Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to communicate internally and to relate with beneficiaries, colleagues, multinational and international organisations & partners
• Highly resilient under physical and mental pressure and stress-resistant

General Professional Experience, required
• 12 years of professional experience in respective field required

Specific Professional Experience, required

• For Law Enforcement related positions:
o Attained a senior position in an European Union Member State (EUMS) Police Service
o Effective and extensive operational police experience at increasing levels of responsibility, 8 of which at strategic level
• For Organisational development related positions:
o Five years of the professional experience must have been spent in designing organisational architecture, defining and improving business processes, and developing and implementing monitoring systems preferably in law and justice related organisations
• For judicial related positions:
o At least five years of the professional experience must have been
spent as a prosecutor or in providing technical expertise to prosecutorial
services preferably in a common law jurisdiction
o Prior experience in training of prosecutors will be an advantage
• Recent professional experience in Pakistan or in the region would be a distinct advantage

Time requirements and working time

Experts are required to work mainly in Islamabad and the Punjab province in Pakistan, for period of one to several weeks, depending on individual tasks. It is anticipated that all experts will arrive in Islamabad for pre-mission briefings. Administrative and logistical support will be provided by the CCBLE-programme.

Working times are generally between 08.30 and 17.30 from Monday to Saturday inclusive.


Competitive Fees

Application deadline

This is a permanent job announcement which will last until all open positions are filled.


Contact: Please send your CV (EU-format mandatory, to be found under starting from page 2) to

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