Location: Dili, East Timor
Last Date: June 14, 2010
Email: pfmcbp@mof.gov.tl
Terms of Reference
Position Lead Procurement Adviser
Contract No: DGSF 15
Objectives To strengthen the capacity of management and staff in the National Directorate of Procurement to implement procurement reforms, and ensure efficient, transparent and quality procurement across government.
Reporting Director General for State Finances through the Senior Management Adviser State Finances.
PIU-PFMCBP (for operational and contractual purposes)
Counterpart Director of Procurement Services
Duration June 2011
Location Ministry of Finance, Dili, East Timor
Selection Criteria:
• At least a Masters degree from a recognised university or related institution.
• Minimum twelve years experience at a senior level in strategic public procurement (planning and implementation) and/or related management role in a public sector institution.
• Extensive experience in public procurement reform and change, preferably in the area of decentralizing procurement functions to line ministries.
• Thorough understanding of centralized and decentralized procurement systems.
• Demonstrated track record of providing policy advice on public procurement reform in a developing country context.
• Knowledge of quality assurance systems; experience in implementing such systems.
• Experience in helping to instigate and promote a culture of customer service delivery.
• Demonstrated experience in managing change processes in procurement reforms.
• Advanced technical knowledge of public sector procurement policy, strategic sourcing and contracting.
• Extensive experience in setting up and monitoring capacity development programs in procurement units.
• English language fluency with willingness to learn Tetum and or Portuguese.
• Extensive computer literacy skills.
• Familiarity with FMIS and FreeBalance Financial Accountability would be an asset.
• Familiarity with World Bank’s Procurement Rules, Guidelines and Policy would be an advantage.
• Experience in providing high-level policy advice on procurement policy and related issues to government ministers and other senior public sector officials would be an advantage.
The Ministry of Finance of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste intends to recruit a Lead Procurement Adviser for its Planning and Financial Management Capacity Building Program (PFMBP). PFMCBP is a five-year technical assistance program supported by a grant from the International Development Association and a co-financing Multi-Donor Trust Fund. The Program started in late 2006, and is scheduled to end in June 2011. PFMCBP provides technical assistance to strengthen capacity in the Ministry of Finance for prudent, effective and accountable planning and management of public finances to promote growth and poverty reduction. .
PFMCBP has assisted the Government of Timor-Leste take forward an important reform agenda. Key achievements include implementation of a major reorganization of the Ministry of Finance; strengthening public expenditure management through simplification and strengthening of treasury systems and processes, and increased delegation of authority to line ministries; improved revenue management, including increased transparency in tax administration and reinforcing Petroleum Tax administration; and a gradual improvement in macroeconomic planning. There are important challenges ahead as the Ministry of Finance implements a strong reform program in a capacity constrained environment. PFMCBP itself has a challenge to build capacity and enable an increased transfer of responsibility to Timorese public servants.
The aim of the General Directorate for State Finances is to support the on-going process of reform and capacity building within the Ministry of Finance. This design attempts to achieve this in a fashion consistent with the need to be flexible enough to meet the variable demands associated with post conflict states. The backbone of the reform program has been the review of the entire set of processes within the Ministry of Finance and the re-design and implementation of the new processes to enable a more holistic and coordinated approach to financial management.
The General Directorate for State Finances performs basic ‘line’ functions of the Ministry including; preparation of the national budget and management of the performance budgeting information system; accounting for all revenues and payments and making all payments on behalf of government; implementing the procurement and audit policies; management of government assets; and regulation and financing of public autonomous authorities.
Significant achievements have already been seen within the Directorate, including the use of a single set of chart of accounts, the continuation of the procurement devolution, the design of the new procurement law and, the design of the new public finance law. Embedding these gains will also be an important focus of the PFMCBP efforts. There are five National Directorates within the General Directorate for State Finance; Procurement Treasury; Budget; Asset Management; and, Autonomous Public Authorities.
Scope of Work
The Lead Procurement Adviser will work with the Senior Management Adviser (SMA) State Finances, the Director of Procurement Services and relevant staff and Advisers across the Ministry on the following:
1. Primary Function: Capacity Building of counterpart
• Capacity building of direct counterpart through on the job training, formal training, coaching and mentoring
Evaluation of capacity building outcome and adjustment of strategies as required
• Provide technical and management advice and support to the Director of Procurement Services on the implementation of reform initiatives.
2. Secondary function: Capacity building at departmental level
• Develop capacity building plan for department (if not available) to ensure institutional capacity building based on an assessment of existing capacity and required skills for the National Directorate of Procurement.
• Implement and monitor capacity building for department and assess outcome, adjust plan if required
• Provide guidance and monitor advisers attached to department to ensure capacity building initiatives at their levels are implemented and successful
• Develop a monitoring mechanism to determine the capacity of the line agencies to manage their devolved procurement responsibilities.
• Foster a culture of customer-service and client-friendliness within the Ministry including the values of professionalism, accountability, transparency and risk management awareness.
• Work collaboratively with other advisers to maximize compliance and good practice in public finance management, thereby avoiding duplication of roles and consistent focus on knowledge transfer to Timorese nationals.
3. Tertiary function: Undertake line functions as necessary, supporting the Director in his day to day management of the department
• Set strategic directions for the Procurement Service.
• Lead and manage the Procurement Advisors in providing technical support and capacity building in the areas of strategic, business and procurement reforms taking on board relevant recommendations from pertinent reports available at the Ministry of Finance.
• Develop procurement policy positions and lead complex projects, including coordination with relevant teams on technical specifications in the preparation of requests for proposals.
• Oversight the contracting activities of strategic procurement, business operations and process work.
• Initiate and maintain effective working and information exchange relationships with other areas of the Ministry of Finance, with other Ministries, suppliers and the business community.
• Negotiate with stakeholders and peers with the object of gaining co-operation, influencing views and meeting timelines.
• Ensure the maintenance of quality procedures, transparency in all actions, plans and processes, problem solving of procurement issues, and to facilitate smooth and prompt implementation of the procurement transactions under the Ministry of Finance. Support the Ministry in its efforts to make the procurement processes more transparent and accessible to the public.
• Provide quality assurance support to the Minister of Finance by ensuring that documents for her approval are compliant with relevant rules and regulations.
• Perform a key role in advising the Minister of Finance on institutional aspects of the decentralization of procurement to line ministries and developing a system for monitoring and evaluation procurement by line ministries.
• Provide support to the decentralization of the Ministry’s procurement function, especially related to its human resources
• Other duties as may be prescribed by the Minister of Finance and or the PFMCBP.
Key Deliverables
• Prepare an Assignment Work Plan, with specific timelines and expected outcomes within 4 weeks of commencement of assignment.
• Prepare a Procurement Capacity Building Plan within 6 weeks of commencement.
• Prepare Monthly Reports on outcomes and potential impacts of work progress.
• Prepare Six-Monthly Progress Reports on outcomes of capacity building initiatives.
• Develop Quality Control Standards for use by line ministries.
• Develop a Manualized Operational System to manage and lead the undertakings of the Procurement Advisors in the National Directorate
• Undertake training and monitoring system in procurement processes in line ministries: Developed, implemented and delivered to at least 3 line ministries
• Prepare Process Flow Charts in support of the effective working and information exchange relationships with other areas of the Ministry of Finance, with other Line Ministries and suppliers.
• Develop a Strategic Plan with implementation timelines to foster a culture of customer-service and client-friendliness within the Ministry of Finance including the values of professionalism, accountability, transparency and risk management awareness, discussed and validated by the National Directorate for Procurement.
• Prepare Monthly, Quarterly, Bi Annual and Annual Progress Reports and other related reports as may be required by the SMA (State Finances) and the Senior Program Manager PFMCBP.
• Perform related duties as may be required by the National Directorate for Procurement, the Senior Management Adviser (State Finances) and the Senior Program Manager PFMCBP.
Within the first four (4) weeks of the assignment, the Consultant shall prepare a Work Plan based on the objectives of the assignment and specific functions for approval by the Senior Management Adviser for State Finances and concurrence with the Senior Program Manager – PFMCBP, prior to implementation.
Within the first six (6) weeks of the assignment, the Consultant shall prepare a capacity building workplan, as outlined above. This will be prepared in consultation with human resource development staff and specialist advisers in the ministry. The Consultant shall then provide a duly endorsed monthly Workplan Progress Report to the National Director of Procurement and Senior Management Adviser for State Finances as well as the Senior Program Manager - PFMCBP, on the progress and or completion of the activities outlined in the Work Plan.
The Consultant shall discuss and submit an End of Assignment Progress Report summarizing work undertaken against the Work Plan, the degree to which the work has concluded, and a statement of outstanding tasks to the Senior Management Adviser and Senior Program Manager-PFMCBP no later than ten (10) working days before the end of the contract.
Performance shall be assessed by the Programme Implementation Unit (PIU) in accordance with the functions and agreed deliverables in the TOR and the performance review framework for advisors that has been put in place in the PFMCBP. This position is subject to performance evaluations every six (6) months to ensure satisfactory progress in the implementation of the functions of the position. There is a probitionary period of three months.
Please visit our website at www.mof.gov.tl and go to ‘Employment Opportunity’ to learn about our recruitment process and your application requirements including how to address the Selection Criteria in your application.
Applications must be sent to our Programme Implementation Officer-PFMCBP at email address, pfmcbp@mof.gov.tl no later than 14th June 2010. Applications should include a covering letter and a detailed resume of no more than 7 pages. All applicants must also complete the Competency Framework Matrix below delineating how they have met the requirements. We do not expect that you would just cut and paste from your resume but rather explain concisely and succinctly how you have met these competences, possibly providing brief examples etc. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Competency Framework Matrix - Lead Procurement Adviser
At least a Masters degree from a recognised university or related institution.
Minimum twelve years experience at a senior level in strategic public procurement (planning and implementation) and/or related management role in a public sector institution.
Extensive experience in public procurement reform and change, preferably in the area of decentralizing procurement functions to line ministries.
Thorough understanding of centralized and decentralized procurement systems.
Demonstrated track record of providing policy advice on public procurement reform in a developing country context.
Knowledge of quality assurance systems; experience in implementing such systems.
Experience in helping to instigate and promote a culture of customer service delivery.
Demonstrated experience in managing change processes in procurement reforms.
Advanced technical knowledge of public sector procurement policy, strategic sourcing and contracting.
Extensive experience in setting up and monitoring capacity development programs in procurement units.
English language fluency with willingness to learn Tetum and or Portuguese.
Extensive computer literacy skills.
Familiarity with FMIS and FreeBalance Financial Accountability would be an asset.
Familiarity with World Bank’s Procurement Rules, Guidelines and Policy would be an advantage.
Experience in providing high-level policy advice on procurement policy and related issues to government ministers and other senior public sector officials would be an advantage.
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